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Coaching Markers by Professionals

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At TBS, our personnel follows the Professional Certified Coach Markers, as established by the International Coach Federation. These are the competencies that are exhibited throughout each coaching conversation by our personnel:

➢ Competency 1: Ethics and Standards
➢ Competency 2: Creating the Coaching Agreement
➢ Competency 3: Creating Trust and Intimacy
➢ Competency 4: Coaching Presence
➢ Competency 5: Active Listening
➢ Competency 6: Powerful Questioning
➢ Competency 7: Direct Communication
➢ Competency 8: Creating Awareness
➢ Competency 9: Designing Actions
➢ Competency 10: Planning and Goal Setting
➢ Competency 11: Managing Progress and Accountability

From the ICF site

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Markers

Assessment markers are the indicators that an assessor is trained to listen for to determine which ICF Core Competencies are in evidence in a recorded coaching conversation, and to what extent. The following markers are the behaviors that should be exhibited in a coaching conversation at the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level. These markers support a performance evaluation process that is fair, consistent, valid, reliable, repeatable and defensible. Please note these markers are not a tool for coaching, and should not be used as a checklist or formula for passing the performance evaluation.