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DiSC Personality Assessment

TBS uses the Wiley Everything DiSC® profile. We have qualified staff who are certified DiSC trainers and coaches who can help you and your organization in building more productive and effective relationships at work. Everything DiSC is a research-validated personality assessment that helps individuals understand themselves and others, saving time, energy, and money. Better employee communication means efficiency on both individual and company levels.  Everything DiSC Workplace® is DNV-GL certified as an occupational test tool. It is EFPA compliant and to be used for development purposes.

What is DiSC?

Everything DiSC is a personality assessment that helps better communication in the workplace. Your DiSC profile helps point out the special differences between people to help create healthy organizations.

What is the meaning of DiSC?

DiSC is divided into four different styles:

D – Dominance
i – Influence
S – Steadiness
C – Conscientiousness

Everyone is part of the four different styles- one or multiple styles can stand out depending on the individual. DiSC was designed to help people understand each style and help create a better and more unique workplace.

Let’s dig a little deeper into Everything DiSC

DiSC created their first personality assessment over 40 years ago! Over time, they have created more detailed and advanced assessments. DiSC has introduced unique algorithms to quickly and accurately analyze assessment responses to produce unique DiSC reports.

DiSC assessments are all application based and are presented to you depending on your role.

Is Everything DiSC it worth taking?

Yes, DiSC is worthwhile!

The assessment will help in the following ways:

  • Helps create a common language grow, understand, and work better in the workplace.
  • Helps create conversations and ignites team building.
  • Improves communication in the workplace.
  • Decreases conflict and misunderstandings in the workplace.

For more information, visit Wiley Everything DiSC Workplace.