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Generation Y, the Social Generation

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Hello fellow Social Media enthusiasts! I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone! My name is Dani Elder and I presented a powerpoint on Generation Y at the Topsarge Social Media seminar last month. I can tell you from real world experiences that Generation Y makes up the majority of social media users. The more interesting information that I found while investigating for the presentation was that 93% of Generation Y go on-line everyday! Good luck in your social media quest! 🙂

–Dani Elder

1 thought on “Generation Y, the Social Generation”

  1. Gen Y is the main force driving the growth of the latest communication technology and gadgets we see exploding on the market. 

    And this is not exclusive to USA but other countries as well. In the coming years, as this Gen Y will mature and would possess more purchasing power we would see how communication technology would evolved in leaps and bounds. 

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