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Five Considerations for Businesses who use Facebook

Facebook continues to add new features and improved interfaces that  sometimes catch users and administrators by surprise, and as a result  powerful capabilities go unused. Below are the Top 5 considerations a  business owner should consider in improving their Facebook presence  according to Dan Elder, the Social Media Advocate of Topsarge Business Solutions:


1. Do not mix Personal accounts and Business account. Business owners are best served with a Fan page for their business or products, which can in turn be maintained by one or more than one administrators.


2. Customize your Welcome Page. These “Landing Pages” often form first impression, so use recent Facebook enhancements to make yours “pop.”


3. Use the Full image Canvas. Businesses often use a small logo for their icon without taking advantage of the full 600px x 200px space allotted by Facebook.


4. Add Video or other Rich Media. Short video clips introducing you, your business, or your products is a quick way to reach out to your Customers and potential Facebook friends.


5. Develop Custom Tabs and Apps. Facebook has made it easier to host your own branded content and integrate into their platform and you don’t need a full-time social media staff to pull it off.


Though these five tips will help you along your way to improve your Facebook personalty, the basic fundamentals of providing useful content do not change. Facebook and the people who use it are social by nature, so keeping your page fresh and posting regularly and not turning your page into a  burial ground for recycled advertisements are important keys to Friend retention. And if you do not have the expertise within, seek outside expertise.

1 thought on “Five Considerations for Businesses who use Facebook”

  1. I am right now maintaining at least two business fan pages and quite frankly the use of right strategies can have a great impact on the number of subscribers and possible revenues. I am closely looking at your tips here to further maximize my Facebook exposure. Thanks.

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