We recently held our first Workshop at our new Workforce Development Center in historic downtown Temple, TX so that our inaugural topic was on how to use personality assessments. This was because the goal was to understand how to improve individual performance and increase team productivity. Targeted to supervisors, human resource (HR) specialists and those who schedule corporate training or hiring, the free workshop was open to the general public to attend.

One of our certified trainers and executive coach Dan Elder hosted an overview of the Wiley Everything DiSC personality assessment and discussed the concepts and theories behind DiSC. With the original research from 1928 in his study of normal people, William M. Marston laid the foundation for categorizing society in different categories identified as classic traits. DiSC is a metaphor and acronym for the four categories of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conciencessness. Wiley built upon Maston’s and their own research and so they created the Everything DiSC personality profile.
Because during the TBS seminar Dan would step through a series of questions attendees looked inward and assessed their own styles. Using easy-to-understand questions helped the group to know their personality style so as to consider the styles of others. Dan also showed a customized DiSC personality assessment report created with the assistance of the Topsarge Business Solutions administrator. This report is customized for each participant and is confidentially delivered by the TBS team.
This was the first of our many professional developments and improvement workshops, ask us about our schedule. Or, request that we create a custom program for your organization and see how we can integrate DiSC and conduct a training program for your teams.
Dan Elder, M.S., ACC
Trainer and Coach
Topsarge Business Solutions