Looking for a Website Personality
I was looking for and integrated smartphones, free downloadable apps, a monetized search feature, and optimize for Google Adsense placement. I early on considered integrating Google Analytics, as well as ensuring my code was tight, took in to consideration SEO and w3C compliance, as well as using some of the tips I have learned over the years, like how to maximize the blog as a tool. Over on the Web Design Ledger they have some handy posts if you just want to look around and be inspired.
The task has been educational for me, I was stuck in a design rut and I have tried a number of new tactics and techniques. I am not happy with the minimal use of Social Media, but I believe I want to use SM to drive traffic to the site, not he other way around.
What about the Web Personality?
The one major hit I took on this project was that I invested in a new URL and moved the site from a solid Page Rank and great placement in Google Search to one that is way down in the listings. I know in time I will be able to Powerpointranger.com in its relevance, but for now I must just be faced with its standings and work to increase its value to the web community. If you have any ideas, feel free to hit me up in the comments section.