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Why an Executive Coach?

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Why have an Executive Coach?

TBS executive coaches use an inquiry-based approach to personal and professional development that is aimed at creating awareness, generating action, and facilitating learning and growth. Our coaches focus on improving performance by helping individuals to develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills, and behaviors.

We believe a primary reason to seek out a coach is for professional growth and development, and in my experience many people do that to first gain a better awareness of oneself, identify behaviors to improve on, and then take some action based on one’s goals. At the heart of the steps a coach takes is to help in that discovery through a collaborative conversation while working to explore the client’s views and positions. It is through that discovery where motivational interviewing as a technique is invaluable, and where the coach can better help the client with awareness and determine when they are ready for a change.

I often use multi-source feedback survey instruments and when evaluated through the lens of other’s viewpoints my clients receive a 360-degree view of assumptions and beliefs others have about them and their behaviors, they often help the client get a deeper understanding of the area’s they need to focus for change. Many times time clients might know they need to change, but don’t yet have the clarity on how to change. By employing the four basic principles of motivational interviewing I can assist my clients in gaining that clarity.

TBS professional coaches help facilitate

  • Developing awareness of the power of authentic leadership.
  • Clarify organizational goals and stay focused on key actions to achieve them.
  • Assessing leadership strengths, improvement areas, and performance opportunities.
  • Clarifying organizational mission, vision, values, and goals.
  • Lead change by managing time, priorities, and work, and eliminate less important activities.
  • Develop personally through professional development and career planning.

Dan Elder, Executive Coach
