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July 2011

Plotting the Ability to Collaborate

I was recently reading a blog post “A Practical Guide To Collaboration” on Federal Computer Week by Steve Kelman who was quoting from a recent book called “Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results” by Haas School of Business professor Morten Hansen of UC Berkley, who shares his 20-years experience researching how companies collaborate . The commentary was not a… Read More »Plotting the Ability to Collaborate

Topsarge Capabilities Word Cloud

I got his idea from my pal Joe Pearson, a Senior Forums Facilitator supporting the Department of Defense out of Austin, TX. Here is a Wordle Tag Cloud based on keywords prevalent in my LinkedIn Profile. The more often a word is mentioned, the larger the font is. You can use Wordle to build a tag cloud for any topic, like a book report, a… Read More »Topsarge Capabilities Word Cloud

Forget strategy, what about the Tools?

What Tools? How many times do you hear the social media conversation decay to a discussion about the tools? SM platforms can sometimes be the bane of a social media expert’s existence, the fact is we all have to understand the bread and depth of the variety of tools that are out there. And don’t be complacent, how social is Yelp or Google+? Below is a Sliderocket… Read More »Forget strategy, what about the Tools?

10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google +

10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google + “Nobody knows if Google + is going to take over from Facebook or even replace it in the long term but if you do want to start getting the best out of it you are going to have to learn some of it’s best features and this handy list of tips will help… Read More »10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google +