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Customized Leader Development Seminar

ATF Presentation

Custom Leader Development Program

Topsarge Business Solutions was honored to be selected to assist with leader development for ATF Agents enrolled in the 2-year long Certified Fire Investigator Candidate (CFIC) Program in collaboration with Special Agent Jimmy Panos, Program Manager from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) NCETR in Huntsville, Alabama. During the CFIC Program, TBS project manager developed and conducted a four-hour training seminar on Leadership Development for an existing cohort, which TBS delivered on June 26, 2018.

Course Curriculum

The topics discussed during the training highlighted four key learning objectives. The first learning objective was Understanding People and their Social Style. Years of research into workplace success have shown that people are one of four social styles each with their own preferences. Understanding those preferences helps one to determine the best way to interact with everyone more successfully. The second learning objective was to Understand Groups and the Five Sources of Power. Power, depending on how effectively it is used, allows a person to take the lead in a situation and influence people, groups, and organizations. Learning objective three was The Characteristics of Leadership which helped the agents understand how and when to apply those traits to assist in influencing others to accomplish a shared goal or vision. Lastly, learning objective four was Influencing without Authority.

Training Objective

Leaders tap the knowledge and skills of a group, point individuals toward a common goal, and draw out a commitment to achieve results. It was assessed that the training delivered by TBS trainers will better assist the candidates in understanding techniques and tips on how to “Lead When Not in Charge™.”

The TBS instructor had the opportunity to observe alternative training and presentations orchestrated by the Agents and review a burn site. This was a positive experience for TBS personnel to gain supplementary insight into the CFIC Program. As a closing activity, the participants were asked to reflect on their interventions by completing a survey which resulted in the positive analysis of the data that was presented during our training.