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Topsarge Chief Consultant awarded Master KM Professional




April 8, 2011

Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP):
The Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro) has announced the name of its member who has completed KMPro Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP) certification after completing MKMP qualifications. The MKMP designation is awarded by KMPro to experienced practitioners in the field of Knowledge Management (KM) based upon demonstration of practical application of knowledge management.

To earn this designation, each MKMP candidate must first complete a KMPro CKM certification workshop, then qualify for the KMPro Certified Knowledge Management Professional (CKMP) certification by successfully applying the concepts learned during the KMPro CKM certification workshop in completing a knowledge management project, and then providing documentation of that project completion to KMPro.

After completing each of the above requirements (CKM and CKMP certifications), each KMPro MKMP certification candidate then submits documentation demonstrating that they have at least three years experience (post completion of their CKM certification) in successful knowledge management implementation, along with verification documentation including KM project information and organizational documentation of positions held.

A qualified KMPro Knowledge Management Certification Board (KMCB)® reviewer then reviewed all the documentation received from a candidate to determine if all requirements have been met, with recommendation for approval being made to KMPro’s board of directors who then made final approval of all candidates.

We congratulate the following member who has attained MKMP status – the certification that recognizes demonstrated competency in the Knowledge Management profession:

Dan Elder
Owner and Chief Consultant
Topsarge Business Solutions

About Dan Elder:
Command Sergeant Major Daniel Keith Elder is a retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major who served as the 12th Senior Enlisted Advisor, United States Army Materiel Command (CSM USAMC) from 2005 to 2008. With a background as a maintenance technician, his final assignment placed him as the most senior enlisted logistician and one of only a few Ordnance soldiers to be assigned as command sergeant major of an Army Command (ACOM). He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, and the Legion of Merit twice, and inducted to the US Army Sergeants Major Academy Hall of Fame.

Dan is the founder of the original NCO Website and its successors Squadleader. com and, which were grass-roots collaboration centers oriented towards Soldiers. He was awarded the first-ever Army Knowledge Management Pioneer Award in August 2003 by the Army CIO/G-6. In October 2005, he donated his successful sites to the Army, which became the BCKS NCO Net, winner of an Army 2007 Knowledge Management Award.

Following his retirement from the Army after a 26-year career, Dan joined Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) as a Knowledge Management professional. In 2010 he formed Topsarge Business Solutions where he now serves as Chief Consultant and Knowledge Officer. (Full bio available on Wikipedia)

KMPro offers the only Knowledge Management Advanced Professional Certification Program to allow those holding KMPro CKM certifications the opportunity to further their professional development through “career progression” professional certifications. More information on KMPro’s Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) certification workshops. Listing of Master Certified Knowledge Management Professionals (MKMP)

KMPro Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP) and KMPro Certified Knowledge Management Professional (CKMP) are programs owned by Hudson Associates Consulting, Inc. and licensed to KMPro.
