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June 2011

The GeoSocial Universe in pictures

It’s a bit dated, but JESS3 re-released their assessment of the GeoSocial Networking environment in an info-graphic. Though the data is similar to its original graphic of the GS universe, the latest shows the data in a number of usable formats. Below is a slideshare presentation with a number of pictorial depictions. [slideshare id=8158269&doc=jess3geosocialuniverseremixdeck-110518133007-phpapp02-110531025112-phpapp02] Dan Elder, MKMP Topsarge Business Solutions @dandotelder

Optimize your site for Google search

Do you have a website or a presence on the web that you want to make sure is optimized for Google? Well, look no more, Google provides webmaster’s some basic guidelines on their Webmaster Support page, but Search Engine Optimization is a huge industry where a small business owner must tread lightly. Optimize your Site According to the 2010 Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, “Search Engine… Read More »Optimize your site for Google search