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December 2020

TBS’ STAR 360 Action Report Updates: Feedback into Action

The STAR 360 Report is one of Topsarge Business Solutions’ most impactful tools to help you get the most out of your team. Unlike other 360 reports, the action report implements a strategic plan that allows participants to make practical goals towards professional success. How does it do this? It focuses on the emotional side of participants and allows managers and mentors to become agents… Read More »TBS’ STAR 360 Action Report Updates: Feedback into Action

ELRG Workshop

TBS Hosts the First ELRG Virtual Workshop

Topsarge Business Solutions facilitated the U.S. Army Enlisted Leader Research Group‘s first virtual workshop on November 5, 2020. This workshop was an enormous success bringing together six Behavioral Scientists from the Research Community, eight Subject Matter Experts (SME) and fourteen Key Positional Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) from across Our Army. Collectively this team is referred to as the Enlisted Leader Research Group Alliance. A triad of… Read More »TBS Hosts the First ELRG Virtual Workshop