Topsarge Business Solutions is a Bell County approved vendor to provide Professional Development Consultants, Services and Materials to the Belton Independent School District’s (BISD) individual campuses and/or departments. With our lengthy list of workforce development training seminars, professional coaches, and 360-degree and personality assessments, TBS Leadership is the smart choice for BISD administrators and staff seeking to development their workforce. Our trained and certified trainers help create customized leader development seminars and curriculum. Our professional coaches cross a wide spectrum of fields and backgrounds and provide a logical approach to individual development.
Though fully qualified to provide our services, they can only be purchased on an “as needed” basis throughout the district. This means that first a District representative must have a need for leader development training, coaching or mentoring, a personality assessment, or one of our 360⁰ multi source (MSF) surveys. We specialize in Everything DiSC Workplace and TRACOM Social Style Model personality assessment tools to allow employees and staff to gain a broader view of self, and our workshops in group dynamics help your employees understand where they fit a well-functioning group. Everyone possesses an individual style, our individual profile and group profile reports can help not only the campus or department employees understand their style, but other’s style. We are a channel partner to STAR360Feedback, creator of customized 360-degree surveys delivered to over a million end users.

Like BISD, we have adopted a leader development model that includes Training, Assessment and Coaching, but must be underpinned by the organization. Roles like mentors, having programs than encourage life-long learning and self-development, and advocates to develop programs and training sessions not only to build on the educator’s teaching abilities, but their leadership abilities. Topsarge can help create customized and tailored leader development strategies that meet each organizations unique needs.
For those Belton ISD directors or department staff interested in gaining access to our services and products, contact Dan Elder at (254) 853-4410 or Or reach out to the BISD Purchasing Director, 1220 Huey Drive, Belton, TX 76513 USA at (254) 215-2176 / (254) 215-2171 or