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Landscaping Site updated

We have a project to completely redesign the site at, the owner has changed his business model and his existing site did not match the new direction. This was already a challenging account. I was contacted after their last ISP account had expired, they needed their original site reconstructed. Working from screenshots we has to redo design, match colors, even recreate the logo. One… Read More »Landscaping Site updated

military pre-made class

Creating a new Website Personality

Looking for a Website Personality I was looking for and integrated smartphones, free downloadable apps, a monetized search feature, and optimize for Google Adsense placement. I early on considered integrating Google Analytics, as well as ensuring my code was tight, took in to consideration SEO and w3C compliance, as well as using some of the tips I have learned over the years, like how to maximize the blog… Read More »Creating a new Website Personality

Make your website popular

How to make your website popular One of the most popular ways to increase traffic to your website is to have inbound links, but all links are not the same. You want links that have “Juice.” As a Social Media consultant to businesses in the Central Texas area, I am often asked by people new to search engine optimization and web design how to get… Read More »Make your website popular

Optimize your site for Google search

Do you have a website or a presence on the web that you want to make sure is optimized for Google? Well, look no more, Google provides webmaster’s some basic guidelines on their Webmaster Support page, but Search Engine Optimization is a huge industry where a small business owner must tread lightly. Optimize your Site According to the 2010 Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, “Search Engine… Read More »Optimize your site for Google search