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April 2011

Topsarge Chief Consultant awarded Master KM Professional

      April 8, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP): The Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro) has announced the name of its member who has completed KMPro Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP) certification after completing MKMP qualifications. The MKMP designation is awarded by KMPro to experienced practitioners in the field of Knowledge Management (KM) based upon demonstration of practical application… Read More »Topsarge Chief Consultant awarded Master KM Professional

Generation Y, the Social Generation

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Generation Y: Socially Connected View more presentations from Dan Elder Hello fellow Social Media enthusiasts! I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone! My name is Dani Elder and I presented a powerpoint on Generation Y at the Topsarge Social Media seminar last month. I can tell you from real world experiences that Generation Y makes up the majority of social media users. The more interesting information that… Read More »Generation Y, the Social Generation

Social Media is a paradigm shift for Business

Social Media is a paradigm shift, originally uploaded by dandotelder. Here I am, Dan Elder, owner and Chief Consultant of Topsarge Business Solutions, conducting the opening session at one of our Social Media seminars held in Temple, TX. During my overview of the Social Media Landscape to set the foundation for the rest of the morning events, I pause to describe the changing nature of… Read More »Social Media is a paradigm shift for Business