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Social Media

Topsarge Capabilities Word Cloud

I got his idea from my pal Joe Pearson, a Senior Forums Facilitator supporting the Department of Defense out of Austin, TX. Here is a Wordle Tag Cloud based on keywords prevalent in my LinkedIn Profile. The more often a word is mentioned, the larger the font is. You can use Wordle to build a tag cloud for any topic, like a book report, a… Read More »Topsarge Capabilities Word Cloud

Forget strategy, what about the Tools?

What Tools? How many times do you hear the social media conversation decay to a discussion about the tools? SM platforms can sometimes be the bane of a social media expert’s existence, the fact is we all have to understand the bread and depth of the variety of tools that are out there. And don’t be complacent, how social is Yelp or Google+? Below is a Sliderocket… Read More »Forget strategy, what about the Tools?

10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google +

10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google + “Nobody knows if Google + is going to take over from Facebook or even replace it in the long term but if you do want to start getting the best out of it you are going to have to learn some of it’s best features and this handy list of tips will help… Read More »10 Awesome Video Tips For Getting More Out Of Google +

The GeoSocial Universe in pictures

It’s a bit dated, but JESS3 re-released their assessment of the GeoSocial Networking environment in an info-graphic. Though the data is similar to its original graphic of the GS universe, the latest shows the data in a number of usable formats. Below is a slideshare presentation with a number of pictorial depictions. [slideshare id=8158269&doc=jess3geosocialuniverseremixdeck-110518133007-phpapp02-110531025112-phpapp02] Dan Elder, MKMP Topsarge Business Solutions @dandotelder

What is a Social Media Breakfast?

A Social Media Breakfast I volunteer with the Central Texas Workforce Business Resource Center ( to lead a monthly Social Media seminar for business people to come out and learn about social customer relations management. It’s free  continuing education provided by the BRC, I donate my services. Here is how it came about. The BRC Program Manager Marcus Carr came upon a grass-root group in Austin… Read More »What is a Social Media Breakfast?

Looking to Hire?

Check out my credentials, I may just be the person you are seeking. Full-time, part-time, contract or other, let’s talk. Go to my profile at and see. via Seeking work

Topsarge Chief Consultant awarded Master KM Professional

      April 8, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP): The Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro) has announced the name of its member who has completed KMPro Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP) certification after completing MKMP qualifications. The MKMP designation is awarded by KMPro to experienced practitioners in the field of Knowledge Management (KM) based upon demonstration of practical application… Read More »Topsarge Chief Consultant awarded Master KM Professional

Generation Y, the Social Generation

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Generation Y: Socially Connected View more presentations from Dan Elder Hello fellow Social Media enthusiasts! I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone! My name is Dani Elder and I presented a powerpoint on Generation Y at the Topsarge Social Media seminar last month. I can tell you from real world experiences that Generation Y makes up the majority of social media users. The more interesting information that… Read More »Generation Y, the Social Generation