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Training and Coaching

What is a Social Media Breakfast?

A Social Media Breakfast I volunteer with the Central Texas Workforce Business Resource Center ( to lead a monthly Social Media seminar for business people to come out and learn about social customer relations management. It’s free  continuing education provided by the BRC, I donate my services. Here is how it came about. The BRC Program Manager Marcus Carr came upon a grass-root group in Austin… Read More »What is a Social Media Breakfast?

Generation Y, the Social Generation

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Generation Y: Socially Connected View more presentations from Dan Elder Hello fellow Social Media enthusiasts! I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone! My name is Dani Elder and I presented a powerpoint on Generation Y at the Topsarge Social Media seminar last month. I can tell you from real world experiences that Generation Y makes up the majority of social media users. The more interesting information that… Read More »Generation Y, the Social Generation

Social Media is a paradigm shift for Business

Social Media is a paradigm shift, originally uploaded by dandotelder. Here I am, Dan Elder, owner and Chief Consultant of Topsarge Business Solutions, conducting the opening session at one of our Social Media seminars held in Temple, TX. During my overview of the Social Media Landscape to set the foundation for the rest of the morning events, I pause to describe the changing nature of… Read More »Social Media is a paradigm shift for Business

Facebook Changes to affect Business Pages

Facebook is fast becoming the de-facto standard for internet marketing and as a customer relations platform for companies and brands. However, changes announced by Facebook in August 2010 will go in to affect this month and those changes will likely affect the current and future Fan pages that most businesses use.
A common technique for improving style and design of a Facebook business page has been the use of branding and special coding internal to Facebook called Facebook Markup Language (FBML). Facebook announced FBML would be phased out in the First Quarter of this year, and that date has been set as March 11, 2011.
In its place will be the recently released IFRAMES method of using a Facebook branded “canvas” to pull in pre-existing pages or images on servers outside of the Facebook domain. This upcoming change is fast approaching and some businesses may not yet be prepared, or even know much about this sweeping change to customization.

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Five Considerations for Businesses who use Facebook

Facebook continues to add new features and improved interfaces that  sometimes catch users and administrators by surprise, and as a result  powerful capabilities go unused. Below are the Top 5 considerations a  business owner should consider in improving their Facebook presence  according to Dan Elder, the Social Media Advocate of Topsarge Business Solutions:


1. Do not mix Personal accounts and Business account. Business owners are best served with a Fan page for their business or products, which can in turn be maintained by one or more than one administrators.


2. Customize your Welcome Page. These “Landing Pages” often form first impression, so use recent Facebook enhancements to make yours “pop.”


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American Advertsing Federation

If you were at today’s Central Texas’s AAF meeting, I have posted a link to the briefing used for the presentation, feel free to use it for your overview. It is here: Please tell us what you thought of the event! a

Feast or Famine

“In the digital age, knowledge is our lifeblood. And documents are the DNA of knowledge.”
-–Rick Thoman, CEO, Xerox


In recognizing the way that the operational Army approaches knowledge management one must acknowledge that where you are at in Army Forces Generation (ARFORGEN) will drive your activities and focus at any given time. When you begin a life-cycle, usually at the conclusion of a operation or deployment as of late, knowledge workers are traditionally gathering observations and best practices, archiving and cataloging good ideas and what worked best, and improving on the processes that did not quite work so well. It is then when equipment (and people) are “reset,” new soldiers come while old soldiers go, and new and overhauled equipment is issued.


During the Ready phase is when the knowledge worker is sharpening their axe and helping the unit to prepare. New equipment is integrated and processes are evaluated. Staffs and operators are trained, standard procedures are developed and drills are established. Units begin checking with their deployed counterparts for possible changes and adjustments to their standing procedures while new and emerging doctrine is review and incorporated in to routine activities.


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