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List of Social Media policies

Whether your company is active on social media or not, your customers and employees most likely are. In this era companies with more than a few employees need to seriously investigate the importance of establish a social media policy. So, where is one to start you ask? TBS is all about sharing best practices across industry and private practice, so below is a listing of a number of policies that may meet your organizations needs.

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Maturing Businesses use of Social Media

As a knowledge management professional I am often reviewing an organization against a maturity model (KMMM), it is a tool to learn how groups improve. Applying social media tools in marketing efforts can also be modeled, something that has been talked about for a few years, like CRM Magazine’s June 2009 article Social Media Maturity Model: 30 Posts, 30 People, 30 Days. John Hernandez VP… Read More »Maturing Businesses use of Social Media

Facebook Changes to affect Business Pages

Facebook is fast becoming the de-facto standard for internet marketing and as a customer relations platform for companies and brands. However, changes announced by Facebook in August 2010 will go in to affect this month and those changes will likely affect the current and future Fan pages that most businesses use.
A common technique for improving style and design of a Facebook business page has been the use of branding and special coding internal to Facebook called Facebook Markup Language (FBML). Facebook announced FBML would be phased out in the First Quarter of this year, and that date has been set as March 11, 2011.
In its place will be the recently released IFRAMES method of using a Facebook branded “canvas” to pull in pre-existing pages or images on servers outside of the Facebook domain. This upcoming change is fast approaching and some businesses may not yet be prepared, or even know much about this sweeping change to customization.

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Supercharge your Facebook Page

This is the slide deck for my session with the Social Media Breakfast-Killeen, March 2, 2011. These are tips for Company’s and product brands to enhance your customer relations effort using just one social media tool, Facebook. There are others, contact us for details! Supercharge your Fan Page on Facebook View more webinars from Dan Elder

Five Considerations for Businesses who use Facebook

Facebook continues to add new features and improved interfaces that  sometimes catch users and administrators by surprise, and as a result  powerful capabilities go unused. Below are the Top 5 considerations a  business owner should consider in improving their Facebook presence  according to Dan Elder, the Social Media Advocate of Topsarge Business Solutions:


1. Do not mix Personal accounts and Business account. Business owners are best served with a Fan page for their business or products, which can in turn be maintained by one or more than one administrators.


2. Customize your Welcome Page. These “Landing Pages” often form first impression, so use recent Facebook enhancements to make yours “pop.”


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Blogging is Fundamental

Blogging is hard. Okay, the typing isn’t the hard part, it is taking the time required for critical thinking. I needed to experience the life of a blogger for a variety of reasons, but mainly to bring all my thoughts in to one place. I figure some posts will be a swing and a miss, others, to the fence. a Today, its hardly even a… Read More »Blogging is Fundamental

QR Code, a Symbol of Change


Welcome to my QR Code.


If you are online or read some popular print media, you have likely come across a cryptic symbol like one of those above, and maybe you have wondered about it? It might even look like some sort of bar code you see on packages from the USPS or FedEX, so why is it on webpages and blogs, and even my Sunday sale papers and advertisement? Ladies and gentlemen, meet the 2D world of the two-dimensional matrix Quick Response (QR) barcode.


This bar code was created by Japanese firm TDenso-Wave in 1994 for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, the QR code has become one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes, and in a broader context. What makes it unique to the everyday user is not the fact that it takes a QR barcode reader to understand it, but the mere fact that most every person with a smart phone has a QR code scanner built in. Or have the ability to download a QR scanner app for free.


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