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Creating a new Website Personality

Looking for a Website Personality I was looking for and integrated smartphones, free downloadable apps, a monetized search feature, and optimize for Google Adsense placement. I early on considered integrating Google Analytics, as well as ensuring my code was tight, took in to consideration SEO and w3C compliance, as well as using some of the tips I have learned over the years, like how to maximize the blog… Read More »Creating a new Website Personality

Using Social Media to Market Your Products and Services

Social media has grown by leaps and bounds as far as business development, marketing, and even contracting, especially for those who supply services as opposed to equipment and devices and other objects. Many utilize the culture of social media to generate a lead, or change their management strategies in order to attract more business. Market saturation used to be all about direct mail, sending out… Read More »Using Social Media to Market Your Products and Services

social media

Making the Most of Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social sites are effective tools for businesses to target their online audience. The question still remains, how effective are they, really? With so many online marketing tools available, it can be difficult to determine how each social interaction relates to the ROI, or return on investment. In his article, “The Value of a Like,” Adam Woods explores this topic with… Read More »Making the Most of Social Media

Recruiting Using Social Media Tools

According to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), more organizations are turning to social media sites when recruiting potential job candidates. The number of companies entering the social generation increased from 34% in 2008 to 56% in 2011. As more organizations see the benefits of using social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, the number of those who do… Read More »Recruiting Using Social Media Tools

Creating an infographic based on your resume

Creating an infographic Poster My Wall infographic Over on LinkedIn is one of my favorite groups Knowledge Management Experts, one of the members shared with the KM community an infographic creation tool called This is a slick personal marketing tool that allows professionals to visually show off one’s skills and experience in a quick way. You may not be familiar with the term information graphic,… Read More »Creating an infographic based on your resume

Make your website popular

How to make your website popular One of the most popular ways to increase traffic to your website is to have inbound links, but all links are not the same. You want links that have “Juice.” As a Social Media consultant to businesses in the Central Texas area, I am often asked by people new to search engine optimization and web design how to get… Read More »Make your website popular

Three considerations to gain control of content overload

Over on Mashable Business blogger and VP for digital media at MTV Dermot McCormack lays out what he calls the 3 Commandments for the Next Online Content Leaders. I gave it a look-see as creating, applying, organizing and transferring knowledge has been a formula that made Topsarge Business Solutions the company it is today and we often tout that content is king. I used to be wary when some… Read More »Three considerations to gain control of content overload